ECTS Credits Participation in the summer school will give 3 ECTS points provided that one attends all lectures, perform all exercises, and presents a poster that is prepared in advance. To actually get the ECTS credits, you should register for the course as described here.
Poster Presentations If you want to bring a poster you must:
- Bring a poster. Ideally the poster should present your research interest in a way that can be understood by fellow students and colleagues that are not domain specialist. It should be the basis of a good discussion. It does not need to be within the topic of the summer school.
- The poster should be no larger than A0 in portrait mode (88cm wide x 126cm tall).
- Send a PDF version of your poster to the poster-responsible. latest August 1st.
- Create one or two brief slides (powerpoint, PDF, etc) that can be used as a poster pitch. Send your slides to Billy latest August 5th.
- Pitch your poster at the poster session Monday evening. The pitch is a 1 minute presentation. The time limit is strict!
- Present your poster at the poster session.
Poster printing If you are travelling from abroad or if it is very complicated for you to print a poster, then let use know and we can print it for you.
Poster pitch order
Maximum poster pitch time is 1 minute – 30 seconds even better.